Thursday, April 23

Improving Sleep Reduces Stress

Did you know that when you don't get adequate sleep, your body and your emotions are not in the best shape to fend off stress?

Two channels that robs people of restful sleep is insomnia and snoring. Insomnia is a big problem for many people. It can caused by many factors such as physical pain (ex: headaches, arthritis), breathing problems, menopause, substance abuse, worrying....the list goes on. Snoring can be caused by a variety of factors as well but the main reason is poor muscle tone in the tongue and throat which causes airway problems leading to snoring.

Both insomnia and snoring can cause health problems. Sleep deprivation as a result of insomnia decreases your ability to function throughout your day and insomnia can also lead to memory loss and other mental problems. Snoring is so serious that if left unchecked, can actually cause heart problems and strokes.

I discovered two state of the art devices that each treat insomnia and snoring holistically without any side effects, thereby providing you with the help you need to reduce stress caused by these conditions:

Chi Dream Sleep Aid: This device has many benefits and is quite effective for insomnia:

* Portable & great to take on vacation
* Vibrating Micro Massage on the Wrist
* Improved Circulation
This Sleep Aid contains a vibrating motor that provides a comfortable micro massage that helps to improve circulation thereby reducing stress. The vibrating pulse provide acupuncture pressure points to improve circulation and invoke sleep.

Chi Snore Stopper: This revolutionary device reduces the frequency and level of snoring

The snore stopper detects snoring, and then a gentle and safe 4-5 second electrical pulse will be sent automatically to stimulate nerves on the skin WITHOUT waking you up. The brain receives a signal, sensing this nerve stimulation and you subconsciously change your posture of sleep. The result is a reduction in snoring - Results in 1-2 weeks with daily use.

Don't allow Insomnia, Snoring or any other speed problems cause you stress.

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