Wednesday, March 17

Reduce Neck Strain - With These Alternatives

Awakening after sleeping in a poor position and spending long hours in front of a computer can all result in neck strain.  Neck strain is a result of your muscle tensing up due to being in the same position for an extended period of time.

Here are some tips to reduce neck strain when you arise in the morning:
  •  Sleep on a firm mattress and a pillow that is not too firm and not too soft. It should conform to the natural contours of your neck.  A good option is a magnetic therapy pillow. It helps to alleviate stress by providing a therapeutic night's rest.
  • Before going to bed, loosen up your neck muscles by doing some neck stretching exercises.
  • Try to sleep on your side.  Sleeping on your stomach puts your neck in a very un-natural position
Here are some additional tips to reduce neck strain resulting from long work hours in front of a computer:
  •  Take a break 2 minute break every 40 minutes. Get up from the computer, take a walk, get a cup of water.  Just take a break
  • Check your posture every so often to make sure you are sitting up straight
  • Get an ergonomic evaluation of your work area.  Most large companies have someone on site to handle these requests.  Otherwise, here's a useful computer user checklist I discovered online.
  • Try a neck traction device.  It sounds more complex than it actually is.  They are quite portable and are Excellent for relieving neck pain by gently stretching the muscles and joints. Dr. Josh Renkens, Chiropractor, DC, ART, MAT states, "I have had wonderful success in treating patients with cervical disk disorders. The ChiSoft neck traction has proven to be very instrumental in the success my patients and I have realized. Patients love it! They find it is easy to use, very practical, and it works! I enthusiastically recommend the ChiSoft for neck traction!"
About the author: Michelle Howard Smith is the founder of  She writes about ways to reduce and prevent stress and pain.  At the heart of her service is the belief that stress and pain are connected.  If you focus on reducing stress, you will reduce your instance of pain.  If you enjoyed this post, sign up for the Stress Less newsletter to received additional methods for managing the stress in your life. 

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