Wednesday, June 10

Stress Relief Resource Articles

When it comes to stress, people approach how they are going to manage it differently. Some people buy stress relief products which can be very effective when you know just what it is that is bothering you. Others may not know how to obtain stress relief so they will more than likely educate themselves to compare the different ways they can manage stress.

Whatever your method for obtaining stress relief, it is beneficial to educate yourself about the types of stress, causes of stress and stress management techniques available.

I put together a pretty thorough Learning Center on my Stress Relief site that I believe you will benefit from. You'll find articles that fall under the following categories:
  • Stress Management

  • Stress Information

  • Aromatherapy

  • Massage

  • Relationships and more

Stop by and check out the Learning Center. You're sure to find an article that applies to your situation.

Here's to Beating Stress to the Max!

1 comment:

  1. Hello All, I am 32 years boy working in a multinational company. In these times of recession, company was thrusting a lot amount of work on us. It some times make me helpless, than getting over timed. And because of such a constant pressure since 4-5 months, a lot of changes (both physically and mentally) had occurred. I was loosing weight like hell. Also, sometimes I became too harsh on my family, which was one of the primary concerns to me. Also, I was feeling something wrong near my chest. My heart beats remained constantly high throughout my working hours due to high work pressure, and fear of deadlines. This makes me nervous all the time. And because of this, I was not able to concentrate fully on my work. So, this was harming all the way round. This stress is killing me everyday. And I was in no condition to leave the job. And all above this, I was not able to keep myself physically fit, which in my case may lead to loosing away the job. I took many leaves that month due to my unfit health. I was really in a very pathetic situation. And to my surprise, I came to know that many of my colleagues were facing the same problem, as the work load and stress level was diminishing everyone’s health. That became a major issue after few months. The overall performance was deteriorating. The issue was brought in the meeting of board of directors. They decided to have a corporate wellness program which would take care of the employee’s health at the corporate office itself. This decision really went up to the mark. The therapist and physicians used to take care of the minor corporate health issues. And after a week or so, the result was astonishing. The employee efficiency not only got back to normal, but boosted up by 3%. And after a quarter, it was found that the overall expense for initiating the wellness program was far less the corporate loss due to low employee efficiency. Elite health corporate wellness program ( was a boon to the company. As also, our wellness program consisted of eConsultation, which allows us to be in contact 24/7 with the experts to discuss regarding the health issues. And not only our company, many others were profited by such corporate or workplace wellness program.


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