Sunday, February 28

Organizing Wrap Up

Cheap OrganizersAs we wrap up February, I'm going to wrap up the topic of Getting Organized for the month.  For the month of May I will focus on helping you prevent and reduce stress by focusing on Strategies for Stress Reduction.

In the meantime, to wrap up our discussions on organizing, I wanted to share with you two popular ways of organizing.  There's so much to be organized:
  • Clothes, Shoes, Accessories
  • Important papers
  • Cabinets
  • Closets
  • Drawers
  • Toys
  • Coupons
  • Photos
  • Music & TV CDs, DVD's etc.
  • the list goes on...
With all of the things that need to be organized in your life, it's no wonder things can spiral out of control, eventually causing stress and anxiety.  Fortunately, there's help and there are a lot of professional organizers out there willing to help you get a hold of yourself.

Sometimes, the personal services of a professional organizer can be a little costly so I wanted to share with you a couple of methods for organizing that you can incorporate into your life.  Ultimately, it's up to you to determine if you need additional help but these should get you started:

* Using Lists (Electronic or handwritten)
* Using Planners (ie Franklin Covey)

The reason these two methods are popular is because everyone is using them and they don't require much though. However, they don't get to the root of how to organize the specific things in your life in detail (the list I mentioned above) nor do they provide for cost cutting and time saving ways to organize.

Clutterbugs is an Organizing System that I discovered a while ago that has some great down to earth (some free) ways to organize without breaking your budget.  This program has been highlighted in The Ultimate Guide for Professional Organizers 2009 Edition, Real Simple, Business Watch, Scrapbooks etc, and more. Check out the affordable solutions offered by Getting Clutterbugs to Get Organized.

Choosing to visit the Clutterbugs link above may result in an affiliate commission on my behalf should you make a purchase. However, in no way will I ever promote a product or service to you that I am not satisfied with myself.   Additionally, any purchase you decide to make will not result in the release of any of your personal information to me or anyone I am affiliated with nor will it increase your cost in any way.

Monday, February 22

Blog ReDesign

Figured it would be a good idea to match this blog with the Stress & Alternative Pain Relief Online Shop.  Hence the redesign.

Resolving to Stay Organized - Here's Your Reinforcement

Hi there boys and girls (hey we all want to feel younger!)

I wanted to continue with the subject of organizing for the rest of this month.  Many people have given up on their resolve to get organized and work towards keeping things organized. (Remember, it's not a one time thing)  That's because a lack of organization is a major cause of stress in many people's lives.

So, I put together a little something that will help you to Get More Organized and Find a New or Renewed Sense of Freedom.  Yes, click that link for a free tips sheet.  It's not just about organizing your stuff. It starts with YOU.

Enjoy and Pass It On...

Monday, February 15

Running On $5

Who wants to earn $5 a day? Certainly, we all want to earn more than that.  As a home business owner and entrepreneur, I just read a book that completely changed my business life as I know it.

It's changed how I will run my business going forward.  This book has helped provide me with the FOCUS I need to be more successful and I invite you to join me...

Monday, February 8

Tips to Help You Clear Clutter

Have you ever heard of the term, "stuck on stupid?"  It basically means a state of being where a person is totally clueless.  Well, I think we have all been there. Especially when it comes to organizing our lives and clearing out the clutter that keeps us from being productive.  What other term could you call yourself other than "stuck on stupid" when you continue to do the same things to relieve the stress of disorganization but continue to get the same results?

Below are some tips for helping you to clear clutter. Some are based on tips provided by the two organizing systems I shared with you in my post, "What Organizing System Is Right For You?"  Others are my own.

Wednesday, February 3

What Organizing System Is Right For You?

Part of the chaos we as humans find ourselves in when trying to get organized is trying to do things the way everyone else does them.  Well, it's a fact that what works for one person does not work for another.

There a bunch of different systems and techniques available to help you get organized but you should decide on hot to organize and which organizing system to use based on your personality.  Some of the organizing systems are very methodical and may be a bit too "anal" for some.

Here are 2 of organizing systems that I have come across and recommend based on the ease of use and the quality information given by the program creators:

Clutter Bugs - Get organized with almost no spending.

Clutter Diet - Offers a free Report, "30 Ways to Get Organized"

Check one or both of these systems out and share your experience.  What's nice is they both offer free information and affordable solutions.

Note that if you choose to purchase any of the systems above or related products, I will receive an affiliate commission.  HOWEVER, I will never recommend crap.  I like these organizing systems for their simplicity and the fact that they make organizing kind of fun!  I have not received any compensation for recommending the products to you.
Michelle Howard Smith is a stress management professional.  Michelle offers a wealth of wisdom in her complimentary monthly Stress Less Newsletter.   Subscribe today and receive a free health report along with access to special deals on stress relief products.

Monday, February 1

Organizing Your Life for Sanity

You've heard it before and you will hear it again and again.  At least until you tell me, "Michelle, stop!  I'm there. I'm organized and loving it!"  Ok, the chances of that happening for EVERY subscriber and follower of this blog is slim right? Sooooo, I will keep on sharing and providing information that helps you to reduce stress in your life and a big one is Disorganization.

It doesn't matter if you work inside or outside of the home, organizing your life will help you in every area.  At work and at home.  So consider the month of February here at the Stress and Alternative Pain Relief Blog, your "Guide to Organizing"  That will be our focus.
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